In Baptism, God calls us to take on a particular way of life—to live in deep relationship with God and with each other! When we say, "Lord, I’m in!", our lives take on the greatest gravity and the greatest joy. If you’re reading this booklet, you’ve likely experienced a taste of this through SPO. You know we’re committed to doing whatever it takes to help those around us to live this life that we’ve experienced and more. That’s why we exist!
Enter MPD. What if there was a way God was multiplying our efforts on the ground, so that our family, friends and even strangers we meet on planes could experience our life? This is the work of MPD. In MPD we say, "Come and see!" Come and see the Lord, see our life, see the mission. Then, we ask supporters to respond - to give their resources, to keep their focus on God’s action in the world, and to live the Christian life in a deeper way themselves. Our supporters start living in deeper relationship with God and with us!
MPD works - every missionary can tell you how MPD has changed their life and the lives of their supporters. So take this as an invitation—come and see what God can do with your "Yes." You will be surprised by the meaning and joy MPD brings to your life. Praise the Lord for MPD!!
We prepare. As soon as you accept a position with SPO we cultivate the mind and heart for formation in the fundraising space through a prep course. Our recruiters walk with you ready to answer your questions!
We train. LAUNCH, our new-in house training, prepares you with everything you need to know practical and tactical.
We make invitations. You’ll make phone calls to set up face to face meetings with folks and ask them to partner with SPO over 6 weeks. Coaches and Supervisors work together to provide accountability, best practices, and encouragement along the way.
We receive and we give. We begin our work with young adults and college students fully funded, with a support team who is in our corner. With our local team and our team of mission partners we go and we are generous on campus.