Anna talks about the importance of choosing to use media with a limited, selective and purposeful approach.
Read MoreMichael exhorts the community about giving al of their lives to the Lord for the rest of their lives, and gives us context for the wholeness of our course this semester.
Read MoreJessica speaks about redeeming our wallets and budget sheets for the kingdom of God.
Read MoreAs a follow-up to our men's and women's Formation Retreat on Manly and Womanly Character in Christ, Sam shares more deeply on the topic of men and women relating.
Read MoreNoel (Servants of the Word) and Sr. Theresa Rose (Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus) were our guest speakers on the topic of celibate vocations. They shared insight into their own lives living out this vocation and tips for discernment.
Read MoreEmily exhorts us on the centrality of our relationship with God as the core of our identity and the reason for our mission. We reoriented ourselves to the most important aspect of the 'All my life for the rest of my life' content.
Read MoreJohn speaks about why time matters as a gift from God, and offers practical wisdom on spending it generously and growing in discipline.
Read MoreJohn and Anna give us a renewed vision for dating and its purpose, with insight into what readiness for dating looks like and what we can do within our current state to prepare for vocation.
Read MoreThomas speaks on good stewardship of our resources, founded on biblical principles, and tied to modern principles of good money management. We're given a mindset for how to maturely handle all the gifts that we're given.
Read MoreFr. Jacob introduces us to Ignatius spiritual warfare to begin winning the interior battle.
Read MoreSarah Stuart gave a talk about the spiritual battle we all face which is commonly expressed in the battle of our minds and hearts. Christ has already won the victory. We need to be aware of the Father’s voice and ways of the evil one so we can be alert, move past it and claim the truth.
Read MoreAlissa Giles speaks the OSU Formation students about what holiness really means and takes us beyond seeing it as something simply to be attained through rigorous practices. God is concerned with our hearts wants to help up overcome obstacles that keep us from loving God and neighbor.
Read MoreAndrew speaks on an invitation to give "all of my life for the rest of my life". This invitation is both a destination for the year and a lifestyle we must choose in the everyday here and now.
Read MoreEthan and Carol cast vision for the year, centering around how we have to do the mundane, practical things well in order to win the big games.
Read MoreMichael's talk sets us up with what to expect in a year of Formation, and how we can approach the talks, small groups, and community we are immersed in to receive the growth and abundance of life the Lord is offering us.
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