Danielle's Story
“One invitation turning into another led me to Christ!”
Upon entering college, I wanted what the world said would fulfill me, which entailed drinking and going to parties. It didn’t take long for me to find out what the world had to offer was not leading me to a path of abundant life. I remember walking away from a party one night crying out to God begging for just one real friend in college. He answered that prayer very quickly!
The very next day I met Celia, an SPO Missionary, on campus. I had just decided I no longer wanted to continue partying because it felt unfulfilling, and she was truly a Godsend that day. I didn’t even realize she was a Missionary at first; I thought she was a friendly student. We made plans to grab coffee later that week — her treat.
During our coffee hangout, Celia asked intentional questions about my life and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. By the end of our time together, she invited me to an SPO women’s event. I was unsure about going, but she encouraged me to stop by, even if just for a little while.
When I arrived, I was greeted by several people, all so excited that I had come. I had never been welcomed into an environment like that before; I didn’t feel like an outsider at all. I had a great time and left with more friends than before.
Those new friends continued to invite me to things: an invitation to hang out, an invitation to SPO’s retreat, an invitation into the Formation Program, and eventually the Household Program. One invitation turning into another led me to Christ! In each of these invitations, I was seeing Him provide a community for me, I was seeing His heart for me through the people He put in my life, and I was finding a place to belong both in the Church and in the SPO community.
By walking with me through my four years of college, the SPO Missionaries gave me the greatest gift I could have ever received: knowing and loving Christ.