Training for Mission During a Pandemic

To be a transformational people is to be ready for change. That’s what COVID 19 called for and SPO responded by transforming training itself. The Spirit inspired us with a peaceful confidence that “It can be done” even as federal and state restrictions shifted from one day to the next. Undeterred by social distancing, we let our situations stretch us to produce a unique Missionary Training experience. We were called to new levels of creativity, flexibility and technological innovation to equip our Missionaries, Leaders, and Student Interns for a year of evangelization unlike any other.

What was it like? Imagine conducting an orchestra with your hands tied. Imagine an all-you-can eat buffet where you can only use a straw. These were our limits: contact must be minimized, content condensed. And rethinking everything around the way we trained our teams was only the first challenge. We also had to anticipate sending them back to campuses where the only thing certain was uncertainty. By the grace of God, we not only succeeded, but we expanded our tool belt for building communities of disciples on mission in these most challenging of circumstances.

Here’s what we accomplished. Over the course of three weeks in July  we trained 150 missionaries, leaders and student interns. We coordinated learning experiences across three locations in Tallahassee, Columbus and the Twin Cities. We pre-recorded 60 training videos and produced a brand-new 200 page Missionary Handbook. But these numbers only tell part of the story. 

To make all this happen, we did garage and basement makeovers to make studio space. We reformatted training presentations for video, audio, and Zoom. We pre-recorded praise and worship but accompanied it with live-streaming leadership and virtual participation coordinated in real time. All this while growing closer despite COVID. We experienced Households with greater depth than ever, places where even quarantine scares (thankfully very few) were opportunities for mutual support as brothers and sisters. 

In the end it wasn’t the way any of us expected it, but it was exactly what God wanted. The pandemic, needless to say, has not taken the Lord by surprise. It is part of His mysterious plan. And our own constantly changing plans opened up a new wealth of media resources, skills, and training tools that will remain useful for years to come. Such innovative approaches for sharing the Gospel showed how God can train the trainers as we continue to reach this most lonely generation in these most isolating times. The Spirit is undeterred by lockdowns. By His grace, neither are we.  

Br. Sam Gunn, BOH
SPO Resource Director

Emma Forina